Right now he is in very stable condition: regular blood pressure and rate, great creatinine level, etc etc etc. All great news.
I call Dad each day now (since his improvement late last week) and he can carry on a conversation as if the surgery never happened. His voice is raspy, but otherwise he's sharp. He had oatmeal yesterday morning for breakfast--yes oatmeal. This means he is on a soft diet (upgrade from liquid only!).
He has more and more energy. The nurse just mentioned that he helps himself out of bed, and gets back in it by himself. He walks around just fine. She also mentioned that from last week, he has gotten a lot stronger.
This all being said, I've been in serious discussions with the social worker on his transfer back to Rochester. Although it is difficult to transfer someone with a wound-vac (this is what drains his main wound on his chest), the social worker is hopeful they will find a location in Rochester, NY. The doctor's originally said they'd discharge him tomorrow... YES, TOMORROW! But since they have not heard back from all nursing homes in our area they cannot make a move just yet; so, they will push his transfer out until next week (early). At this point, I believe there is nothing that is preventing him from being transferred other than an available home. We are considering Monroe Community Hospital, St Agnes or Fairport Baptist home--we hope they consider us so that he is able to be among family and friends.
More good news to come.