Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Wednesday - Update (2/20)

Scott remains intubated and continues to very slowly recover from last week's surgery (AND the surgery a week and half before that!). His progress is brief and not without setbacks, which is discouraging. Being intubated requires sedation, which is has been receiving for almost two weeks now and he's non-responsive most of the time.

Since being on the ventilator stresses the body in many ways the surgeons are considering a tracheostomy to remove the ventilator tube, which will allow the vocal chords to reflex and heal; it will also allow him to be less sedated and begin to take water (food, too if/when permitted) and to talk. The procedure will insert a breathing tube below his voice box in his neck, and once better should heal up just fine.

In the meantime Scott's sedation has been reduced from time to time to see how he can breathe on his own. Although he is able to breathe on his own, it is too rapid and shallow to remain unassisted. This rapid breathing also points to possible infection (along with supporting white blood cell count and a fever). The doctors do not know what might be infected (Scott is already on 5 very strong antibiotics)--today is the first fever he has had since admittance.

They have discovered a thin trace of blood in his stool, which they are not concerned about since it is not much. By administering additional platelets and plasma whatever might be bleeding (most likely sutures) should clot and heal on their own.

His wound, which was sewn entirely shut has begun to split--to the size of a quarter--right underneath his sternum. The doctors hope the tear doesn't continue, but for now this will have to heal on its own. Right now the biggest concern is infection.

They have ordered Scott receive another CT scan this afternoon and will know the results soon to determine if fluid is increasing in his lungs or decreasing, or if there is an abscess in his abdomen or other localized area.

The doctor said Scott's recovery has been and will continue to be "horizontal"--whatever that means.

Allie is there with him today and will come back tonight. His brother plans to visit this weekend.

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