Monday, June 18, 2012

Monday - Update (6/18)

Not very good news today... unfortunately. Scott is being moved from Room 6109 back to the ICU (I think room 24, but not certain). I just hung up with the Doctor's assistant.

Dad's temperature was up this morning and again this afternoon. The doctor's suspect an infection is growing somewhere inside Dad. His white cell count (which usually has hovered high near 10) is now at 16. He is very confused and delirious. They believe sending him to ICU will make sure he is under constant watch and care. It's a necessary move.

As for the source of the potential infection? One likely spot is his pick line (which has been there for over a month--needs changing anyway). They will send swabs to culture (we should know in a couple of days if this is the source of the infection).

They are also going to flush his G-tube with contrast, and they are immediately going to give him a CAT scan to identify (hopefully rule out) any leaks in his GI. This scan will also make sure his G-tube is placed correctly. If they find fluid build up, they will insert more drain tubes and also try to identify the source of the leak.

His wound vac, which was pulling 75 ml for the past couple of days has been pulling much more since yesterday's leak issue--it's pulling now 300ml, but has already been dumped once.

His G-tube is back on suction (as it was yesterday) and is only pulling about 100ml (not much compared to the liters it was pulling on Saturday.

His J-tube feedings are still suspended, and his ileostomy is certainly catching much more fluid than previous days (about 500 ml each clean). The nurse says that it seems to contain some bile, which would mean that his stomach fluid is flowing through his GI tract--a good sign I was assured.

We should know the results from the CAT scan by 8pm tonight (once Dr. A is our from surgery). In the meantime, Dad will be back in ICU and needing your well wishes!

I will update when I know more.


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