Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Monday - Update (5/15)

Not much to report today. Allie was spending a lot of time in Dad's room. He was very tired and slept on and off, and ultimately slept the majority of the day.

They changed his dressings and gave him some pain killers to help take the edge off. The thoracic team was deciding to remove one of the lung tubes--they remove his left lung tube. This is great progress!!

Dad really wants to get up and move around, but the team will not let him yet (too many tubes in him). I'll update more tomorrow when Allie returns home. This will mark the first time Dad will go many days without visitors.. So if you were going to send a card, now is the perfect time! I will make the trip again next week (Tue - Thrus).


1 comment:

  1. This is great news!!! I wish to your daddy to get well and could get up of the bed as quick as possible!!! xxx
