Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Weekend / Memorial Day - Update (5/29)

Drum roll, please. Dad was given permission to eat some more popsicles over the weekend. And although they didn't taste as good as they did a month ago, it was better than nothing! The nurses used the popsicles not only to give Dad some extra calories, but also to test the healing in his stomach. See, the dye from the popsicle should end up ONLY in the stoma, and not in any of the 2 remaining drain tubes--that's exactly what happened, which means that the stomach/intestine connection is healing correctly.

The doctor's even think that solid food is on its way in a couple of days. Speaking of which, an update on the fungal infection they detected after his second surgery: they had him on a cocktail of antibiotics to help fight off the intestinal infection. They took him off the drugs and are waiting for another culture to see if the infection has gone.

Dad has also been walking around a couple times a day, making more and more progress with each day. Craig was with him his this weekend, and his parents will be traveling down this weekend. The doctor's are saying that he may be discharged soon, and when that happens he'll be on his way back to Rochester. He'll be much easier to visit when he's back here!

He's on some medication now that really disorients him, so it's hard chatting on the phone--he has a difficult time remembering simple things. Hopefully that drug is weaned down a bit as the days pass, and hopefully he'll be able to take some phone calls from those of you asking to speak with him!

More news to come,

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